Flowers | Flower Facts | Anthurium
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Name: Anthurium, pronounced an-THOO-ree-um, are once-seen, never-forgotten flowers! You may have come across them on Caribbean holidays or in the Far East. Common names include painter's palette, flamingo flower.
Description: Their unmistakable glossy heart-shaped flower bract (which gives them their popular name of painter's palette) surrounds the true flowers, which are in the form of a spike (or spathe) at the centre.
Colour: Anthuriums come in shades of reds, pinks, white, lilac, green and chocolate brown.
Availability: All year round.
Care Tips: They last three weeks or more. The flowers should not be chilled. The bracts are fleshy and very easily bruised - take care when transporting or arranging these fabulous flowers.
