Name: Comes from the
Greek "krus anthemon" meaning gold flower. However nowadays they come
in all colours. Origin: China and Japan. The
Chinese who considered them the highest of flowers, named their royal throne after
the flower. Colour: All colours including bronze,
lime green and brick red, except blue (which are artificially dyed for special
events). Availability: All year round
Varieties: "Mums" come in a range of shapes and sizes, including
spiders, spoons, buttons and blooms. Blooms are normal chrysanthemum varieties
which have undergone intensive and specialised growing care. Instead of letting
the plant produce side shoots which would bear flowers, all these shoots are removed,
leaving only one central stem. This is then similarly treated so that only one
flower bud remains. All the energy of the plant is directed into this bud which
then grows to a huge size. Blooms come in many different forms, just like dahlias.
Some are tight petalled, with all the petals curling upwards. Some have petals
which curve and twist like a huge feather hat. Family:
Relatives include chamomile, tansy, marguerite and matricaria. Trivia:
Facts: The
chrysanthemum is depicted on Japan's imperial weapon and flag. Japan also has
a national festival devoted to the flower (9th Sept) Mythology:
Some countries (such as Malta) think it is unlucky to have the flower indoors.
It is associated with funerals and All Saints Day. In Germany, people put white
chrysanthemums in their homes at Christmas, to welcome baby Jesus. Medicinal:
Feng Shui adherents believe the chrysanthemum brings laughter and happiness to
your home. History: The chrysanthemum flower
has been known since before 5000 BC in a small yellow form. Ancient China and
Japan both have tales explaining how the chyrsanthemum originated. >
Click here to find out more of the mythological origins of the chrysanthemum

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