Euphorbia fulgens
Name: Pronounced you-FORB-eea.
Description: Euphorbia has long, elegantly curved
branches with tiny pointed leaves along the whole length. These are densely interspersed
with small rounded flowers. It is a little known cut flower in the UK but very
popular on the Continent. Origin: Originally
from Mexico. Colour: Red, orange, yellow, salmon
pink or white flowers. Availability: Main season
September to January. Family: Euphorbia fulgens
is a close relative of the poinsettia, but you would never guess this from its
appearance. Like its more traditional relative it is available at Christmas.
Care Tips: Like all euphorbias, E. fulgens
leaks sap when it is cut. This can be an irritant so those with sensitive skin
should wear gloves when handling it. The stems can be sealed by plunging the tips
quickly in boiling water, or by placing them in a separate vase for a few hours
before mixing with other flowers. 
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