Name: Iris means "rainbow"
in Greek. Garden irises come in a broad spectrum of colours, but cut flower irises
are mostly blue, white and yellow like the summer sky. Colour:
Navy, blue, white, yellow and combinations; also browns and lilacs.
Family: Irises belong to the family of Iridaceae,
which also includes freesia. Interestingly most of our lovely spring flowers are
related to each other, and grow from bulbs or other forms of underground rhizomes
(root stocks)! They store their hidden beauty under the earth through the cold
months and reveal it suddenly and brilliantly once the new season's warmth appears.
Care Tips: Select flowers in bud with colour showing. Keep cool to extend
their life. Availability: Most of the iris varieties
are available all year round. For e.g. 'Prof. Blaauw'. Trivia:
Facts: The popularity of irises over the centuries
has been demonstrated in the still life paintings of the Dutch masters, and more
recently has inspired Vincent van Gogh. Mythology:
In Greek mythology, Iris is the messenger of the gods who, cloaked in a robe of
dewdrops reflecting the stars, communicates messages via the rainbow, the bridge
between heaven and earth. The iris is the symbol of communication and the name
itself means "rainbow". Folklore:
In some languages, irises are called flags or sword flags, relating them to symbols
of heraldry and royalty, hence the original "Fleur de lys" of heraldry.
In Japan the shape is seen to express heroism and the blue colour refers to blue
blood, so irises play a key role in their spring festival for boys.

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