Spring Bulb Flowers
Spring is a wonderful time
of year for fresh flowers, particularly bulb flowers. The following
pages will help you choose your fresh cut flowers or potted flowering
bulbs at your local flower retailers; it will hopefully give you
some interesting information and useful care tips along the way!
Winter and Spring bring a wonderful array of flowering
bulbs to choose from. The earliest-appearing ones will have been
forced to induce early flowering - this involves careful manipulation
of temperature and light levels to bring on the plant by several
weeks. Forced bulbs are often sold dry, in early Autumn, so that
people can try this at home. The bulbs come in different types -
some may be corms (like cyclamen) which look different, but are
similar to bulbs in their function.
Bulb Flowers
Amaryllis, Cyclamen, Daffodils & Narcissi, Freesia, Hyacinths,
(Click on the pictures opposite for more information)
Other Bulb Flowers:
Purple, white, or yellow cup-shaped flowers on short stems, followed
by narrow grass-like leaves. Potted only.
Hyacinth (Muscari)
Small purple-blue cones of tightly-packed flowers, with a slight
musk scent. Usually cut flowers. Click here for more facts about these
Snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis)
Well-loved white bells with tiny green centres on very slender stalks.
Occasionally available as cut flowers.
Dwarf Iris (Iris reticulata, I. danfordiae)
Large three-pointed flowerheads of blue, purple or yellow in proportion
to their short stems. Potted only.

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