Fashion Flowers For Spring
The New Collection:
Soft Focus
There is no other season of the year when flowers radiate
such promise. After the greys and cold of winter, nature is reborn and fallow
fields enter their new life cycle. We ourselves do the same. We start new projects,
change ingrained bad habits and eject worn-out ideas. This is a productive time
of year, a time for romance and new insights. But spring has its mysterious side
as well, and the secrets of rejuvenation are epitomised by the beautiful shapes
and scents of spring flowers. The key flowers for the
Soft Focus look are: Freesia, Hyacinth, Iris, Ornithogalum, Ranunculus and Tulip.
Click on the images opposite to
find out more about the individual elements of this collection or, if you would
like to see the whole collection together, click
here >Information
on the Flowers used in this trend

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