Plant Facts

Aspidistra elatior

Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z
Commonly called cast-iron plant because it is so tough and resilient.

The shiny dark green leaves are 70-80 cm long and 10 cm wide. They shoot up directly from the soil, rolled in a hornlike shape. In the variety 'Variegata' they have yellow or white stripes. Occasionally small purple, bell-shaped flowers will appear at soil level.

Liliaceae, lily family.

Aspidistra comes from the cool, shady mountain forests of Japan and China, where they grow in poor, marshy soil.

Care Tips
Not a fussy plant and easily grown with minimum attention. Although they cope with shade, aspidistras grow better in good light, but keep them out of direct sunlight. Happiest at room temperature; 18-24 °C. Keep the compost just moist and water regularly during the warm summer growing season. Keep the leaves clean by wiping them with a damp cloth. Brown spots on leaves are usually a sign of over-watering. Throughout summer provide a balanced liquid feed every 3 weeks. Aspidistras like to be pot bound, so move to a bigger pot only when absolutely necessary.

They were popular foliage plants in Victorian times because of their resilience to coal fire and gas lamp fumes and tolerance of shade. Aspidistras are even hardy enough to be grown outside in mild areas as they tolerate temperatures just above freezing.

Aspidistra elatior