Codiaeum (Croton)
Name - Pronounced ko-DEE-ay-oom, its common names are croton or Joseph's
Coat (because of its exuberant coloured leaves).Description -
Codieaum is distinguished by its colourful and vibrant leaves that come in various
colours, patterns (spots, veins, mottling or stripes), sizes and shapes. The colours
range from green through yellow, orange and red to purple-red and hints of blackish-green.
The colours usually appear when the plant is mature and you will often find foliage
of different colours on the same plant. Origin - South-east
Asia Family - EuphorbiaceaeVarieties - Most
houseplant varieties are forms of Codiaeum variegatum pictum and there is a huge
variety of leaf shapes and colours. Care Tips - Needs constant
humid conditions, away from draughts and central heating. Water and mist regularly.
Place in a light spot so the leaves maintain their colours. Temperature no lower
than 16°C/61°F. The plant rests in winter and loses its bottom leaves.
Trivia - When propagating the plant yields a milky sap that can be
irritating to eyes and skin, so use gloves. 
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