Plant Facts


Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z
  • Name - Pronounced PEP-er-oh-mee-a. Derived from Green words ''pepri' (pepper) and 'homoios' (similar) meaning 'looks like pepper'.
  • Colours - Light green, red, yellow, variegated.
  • Description - There are over 1,000 species worldwide and about 20 used as pot plants. They have a huge variety of unusual leaves and colours, often deeply rippled, especially the Peperomia caperata types. Fleshy stems, which grow upright, hang or creep. Many are epiphytes (they grow on other plants without being parasitic)..
  • Origin - South America and West Indies
  • Family - Piperaceae (pepper)
  • Care Tips - Warm, humid conditions with bright light but not direct sun. Water only moderately and allow to dry out between waterings or the stems and roots will rot. Feed every three weeks to a month during the growing period. Temperature not below 10°C.

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    Peperomia caperata 'Lilian'
    Peperomia caperata 'Red Luna' almost identical to 'Schumi Red'