Plant Facts


Plants A-C
Plants D-L
Plants M-R
Plants S-Z

Stromanthe genus contains two species grown indoors. S. amabilis and S. sanguinea.

  • Description - S. amabilis has compact leaves which are 15-25cm long and 5cm wide. S. sanguinea has larger glossy leaves which are up to 30 to 50cm long and around 10cm wide. Both have a creeping rhizome (a thicken stem which grows hoizontally below or on the soil surface) and produce fanlike sprays of leaves.
  • Origin - Brazil, Honduras and Costa Rica
  • Family - Marantacae family
  • Care Tips - Protect from strong temperature fluctuations and draughts with a temperature not below 15°C. Water moderately, mist often as needs humidity. Feed half strength every 14 days in growing seasons. Enjoys a medium light.

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    Stromanthe sanguinea