Flowers | Flower Trends | Fashion Flowers for Summer - Flowers from this trend

Fashion Flowers For Summer - On The Move


< Gerbera

Ten years ago few people had ever heard of gerberas and now they are a firm favourite!
These daisy-like flowers are popular for their playful look and for the variety of colours they are now available in.


> click for more info on gerbera


< Rudbeckia

Rudbeckia originates from North America and is named after Swedish botanist Olaus Rudbeck.

It is a commercially cultivated flower but is still closely related to the wild flower Black-eyed Susan.




Chrysanthemum >

Novelty forms of chrysanthemum, such as the button-headed ones shown here, have a modern fun look which make them a must have flower for summer arrangements.



> click for more info on chrysanthemum



< Leucanthemum

Leucanthemum flowers (or 'Ox-eye Daisies' as they're more commonly known) have been cultivated since 1596, and are also a widespread verge and hedgerow flower.

Its charming, daisy-like features make it a popular choice for summer.




Veronica >

The open, airy shape of the flower and its stem, brings an interesting shape and texture to arrangements.

The dainty flower tips of Veronica curve ever so slightly on straight, long stems, in a manner reminiscent of the gently bending snapdragon, its cousin.




