Fashion Flowers For Winter
The New Collection : Nature's Jewels
Tulip >
Immensely popular flowers,
tulips are native to Iran, Syria and Turkey. In fact, their
name originates from a Turkish word meaning 'turban' which
the open bloom was thought to resemble.
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< Freesia
Freesias are amoung the most
popular and widely grown cut flowers in the world, with over
110 million stems sold in the UK each year. Almost unknown
in the 1950's it is now one of the UK's favourite flowers.
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Eryngium >
Eryngium comes from the old
Greek erungion, meaning sea holly - an obvious reference
to its spiky shape, but also to the cold watery Balkan and
Siberian regions from which it originates.
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< Rose
Roses have been treasured througout
our history.
There is a special rose language
invented as a secret means of communication between lovers.
A red rose bud stands for budding desire, while an open white
rose ask, "Will you love me?"
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Phalaenopsis >
An orchid enjoying a rise
in recent popularity, the phalaenopsis is more commonly known
as a 'moth orchid' due to the butterfly-wing shape of its
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< Amaryllis
Amaryllis are native to South
and Central America, and the Caribbean. They have large flamboyant
starry trumpets which spring from papery bulbs throughout
our winter season, and are said to symbolize beauty and pride.
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