Flowers | Flower Trends | Fashion Flowers for Winter – Flowers used in this trend

Fashion Flowers For Winter
The New Collection: Wild White

Amaryllis >

Amaryllis are wonderfully majestic flowers with trumpet-shaped heads. They are said to symbolise beauty and pride. White amaryllis are tinged with pale green and give an arrangement a magical wintery feel.


> click for more info on amaryllis


< Protea

Protea are very strange looking flowers - their study stems and soft furry flowers are more like an animal than a plant! They are one of the oldest flowers in existence and there is nothing else like them in the flower kingdom.


> Click for more info on protea

Cymbidium orchid>

An exotic orchid which originally comes from Burma, India and the Himalayan Mountains.

Each distinctive flower is noticeable due to its complex shapes - a pouting lip, a daffodil-like petal frame, and a silky spotted nectar trap.


> click for more info on cymbidium


< Ornithogalum

Ornithogalum are more commonly known as chincherinchee or wind lilies.

They are unusual flowers which look just as interesting when in bud as in bloom. Each flower opens individually at the top of smooth leafless stems to reveal delicate white petalled flowers with black centres.


> click for more info on ornithogalum

Chrysanthemum >

Novelty forms of chrysanthemum such as this white spider are becoming very popular due to the variety of shapes and sizes and colours that they are available in. They also have a long vase life.


> Click for more info on chrysanthemum



< Lilac

Lilac is a very glamorous flower made more so by its short season - it is available for about six weeks from late winter to early spring.

It has a beautiful pure sweet scent to add to its appeal.


> click for more info on lilac





