The Language of Flowers
Giving flowers can be a very personal gesture,
but a further dimension is implied by understanding the meaning of individual
flowers. Although many of us are familiar with Shakespeare's quote "there's
Rosemary, that's for remembrance
", the Persians, Greeks, Chinese and
Indians have all used flower language to symbolise emotions for centuries. The
idea was first encouraged in England in 1716 by Lady Mary Wortley Montague, wife
of the English Ambassador to Turkey, who observed this tradition at the Sultan's
court. The popularity of floral language grew in Victorian times when it became
an expressive, though discreet, method of communication for both men and women.
Not only did flowers themselves have meaning, but their position was crucial too.
Wearing a marigold in the hair expressed mental anguish while the same flower
pinned to the bosom conveyed indifference. Although this quaint
tradition seems rather coy these days, it can add an element of fun to an otherwise
innocent gift of flowers or plants. The language of flowers is still observed,
though probably not consciously, by many brides as they make their choice of wedding
bouquet. Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) splendid beauty, pride Arum
lily, calla (Zantedeschia) magnificent beauty Bluebell (Scilla)
constancy, forgive and forget Campanula white, gratitude Carnation
red - "alas for my poor heart"; striped - refusal; yellow - disdain;
pink - woman's love Cockscomb celosia affectation, individuality Chrysanthemum
red - "I love you"; yellow - slighted love; white - truth Daffodil
regard, chivalry Dahlia good taste Forget-me-not (Myosotis)
true love, "the key to my heart" Freesia friendship Garden
Pink (Dianthus) pure love Gladiolus strength of character Hyacinth
blue - constancy; white - unobtrusive loveliness Iris yellow
- flame of love Lilac (Syringa) purple - first emotions of love; white
- youthful innocence Longi Lily (Lilium longiflorum) pure and modest Lily
of the valley (Convallaria) return of happiness Love lies bleeding (Amaranthus)
hopeless, not heartless Mimosa (Acacia) sensitivity, secret love Narcissus
self esteem, female ambition Orange blossom bridal festivities,
virginity, "your purity equals your loveliness" Orchid longevity,
elegance Peony bashfulness Ranunculus "you are rich in
attractions" Rose symbolises love & good fortune; white - truth;
white with pink blush - "only for thee"; large bright pink - "meet
me by moonlight"; single stem - simplicity; red & white together - unity;
small yellow - "thou art all that is lovely"; rosebuds - pure and lovely;
red - eternal love; crown of blooms - reward of virtue Rudbeckia justice Snowdrop
hope Solidago encouragement Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum)
purity Stock (Matthiola) lasting beauty Sunflower dwarf
adulation Sweet pea departure, delicate pleasures Tuberose
dangerous pleasure Tulip red - declaration of love; striped - beautiful
eyes Veronica fidelity Violet faithfulness, modesty

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