Dressed to Kill
Anthuriums wrap glossily around the unusually-coloured
pale lilac-pink "Blue Curiosa" roses, like newly painted
lips. The shiny silver container is wrapped in fishnet to echo the
texture of the anthurium spathes.
The heart shape of the leaves and flowers, combined
with the phallic spathe - central spire - and the glossy fleshy
texture of the flower make anthuriums perfect for the Sensuality
The anthurium variety shown here is called "Magic
Red", and is new on the market. Its outsize spathe, almost
like a giant pine cone, may be a little too much for some to handle!
For something more conventional, check out the flower pages for
this Sensuality trend.
kama sutra dangerous
liaisons nymph
barbarella sweetheart
beauty devil
woman pleasure
dome dressed
to kill
love boat
whole collection together
on the flowers used in the trend
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summer 2001 homepage

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