Flowers | Flower Trends | Fashion Flowers for Summer


Roses - the flower of romance. Here, every shade of erotic feeling - from the first tender love of palest peach "Noblesse", through nostalgic shades of lavender pink "Blue Curiosa", to the deep passion of red-black "Baccara" - mingle in a sweet-scented bouquet.

The fragrance of fresh roses has been widely used as a aphrodisiac, by expert seducers such as Cleopatra - who used to cover her boudoir floor and bed with handfuls of petals. This, combined with the soft satin feel of the flowerheads, makes roses a perfect choice for the Sensuality trend.

The scent of fresh roses can also help with hangovers and nausea - though hopefully no prospective seducers will suffer from either of those conditions!


kama sutra   dangerous liaisons   nymph   barbarella   sweetheart

sleeping beauty    devil woman   pleasure dome   dressed to kill

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