Look & Wonder- Plants Calender
Re-create the fairytale look for longer with these easy-care plants!
Cymbidium: Fairy Boat
Just like Alice in Wonderland in her fairy story, the cymbidium has the starring role in the winter houseplants trend, 'Look & Wonder', the ultimate fairytale for 2008. The orchid's name comes form the Greek word meaning boat, referring to the curved lip of the flower where fairies can shelter from the rain.
This is a glamorous, long-lasting flowering plant, that is so easy to care for. For those who want an instant shot of elegance in their life that will last virtually all season, this is the plant for you. The elegant, tapering green leaves have a classic ladylike look, like a silk glove, and there are so many flowers on the stem, you'll be stumped to decide who is the fairest one of all: you, or your plant!
Suits: Glamour queen socialites
Availability: October through Spring
Colours: Countless dramatic and pastel colours., from deep brown and maroon, through to lime green and pale pink.
Care: Mist the leaves, water weekly and feed when in flower. Keep it in a bright position out of direct sunlight.
Peperomia: Fairy Fireworks
For lovers of foliage plants, Peperomia are a great choice for a winter boost, with their deeply rippled or richly coloured leaves. There are many different types of Peperomia, some with large, red-tipped leaves, and some with masses of tiny, patterned, fleshy green leaves that grow upwards. We like Peperomia caperata, which has deep green rippled leaves, and fleshy flower stems that look like antennae, or like green fireworks exploding over the leaves.
The plant is all about texture rather than obvious flowers, so would look good in an interior with interesting wall coverings, tiles and pictures.
Suits: Style-conscious earth mothers
Availability: All year round, so easy to hunt down in the winter months
Colours: One of the most colourful foliage plants, sometimes with lime and yellow leaves, sometimes with red rippled leaves, sometimes with green fleshy leaves.
Care: Likes to be misted, in a well-lit, but not too sunny spot – try a steamy bathroom. It requires only a little bit of water – give it an eggcup-full every week. Feed every three weeks to retain the gorgeous colouring.
Anthurium: Fairy Fire
This is a great plant for lovers of exotic holidays and warm, sunny climes. The tropical anthurium is so tactile and dramatic, it also suits flamboyant personalities like Leos, too. The heart-shaped, glossy green leaves alone are really striking, but the flowers look like a fiery torch above the foliage, making the plant irresistible to look at and feel. The flowers have a large, shiny, veined petal, with a central spike (called a spathe) protruding from the edge, so this is a very sensual plant, too! They come in all different colours, so if you want a subtle hint of the tropics for a plain interior, opt for green, white or pink coloured flowers.
Suits: Flamboyant, sensual, exotic types
Availability: All year round, but makes a great Christmas present for someone who already has everything.
Colours: all colours, except blue or black. Hunt out brown, green and varieties with curly spathes for high-fashion appeal.
Schlumbergera: Fairy Forest
come from the rainforests in Brazil. It's easy to see how, with their brightly coloured flowers that look like frilled skirts. They are a type of succulent, so are very easy to care for.
Suits: Colourful, energetic people, who like tradition with a twist.
Availability: November and December, but they can flower in spring, too.
Colours: pale pink, white, cerise, purple and red
Care: Water moderately in winter when in flower, then sparingly. You only need to feed the plant in the autumn, and keep it in good light in winter, and a more shady spot in summer.
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